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Momentum is the Signature Program offered by Breakthrough Consulting. It's an engaging, innovative and full-day professional development experience that's designed to get your organization functioning at its best.

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People Skills

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Employee Engagement

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Collaborative Solutions

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Positive Workplace Culture

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Self-awareness is essential to all personal and professional growth,

and it's definitely a journey not a destination. Momentum begins with a deep dive into all things "you", so everyone can show up authentically, offer their strengths, be valued for their contribution, own their blind spots, and be given tools to continue transforming into their best selves.

Culture is non-negotiable because your company's success depends on it. Momentum builds (get it?!) upon self-discovery to explore where your organization's culture excels & where it may be at risk, so you can avoid unnecessary conflict, overcome setbacks, work collaboratively, and keep moving forward together. 

No doubt you're hoping to make a

positive impact in the lives of your customers or clients, and not just complete business transactions with them. Momentum can help you understand them better, solve problems more creatively, and communicate more effectively, so you create brand loyalty and they sing your praises everywhere they go.

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Momentum is as much a shared experience as it is a professional development workshop.

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Momentum's secret sauce is that it blends in-depth personal development with innovative professional development! What a combo!

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Throughout Momentum, discoveries are made, ideas are shared, strategies are learned, relationships are (re)ignited, and solutions are found.


More importantly, trust is built, teamwork is cultivated, and culture is forged.


Real progress. Real breakthroughs. Real momentum.

BONUS: It's fun!

The results equip your whole organization with the building blocks to be their best selves, move forward together and "wow" your customers!

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The Professional iEQ9 Report by Integrative Enneagram Solutions is a validated, world-class product that serves as the foundational framework for Momentum. Although you may not have heard of the enneagram, its wisdom has been around for centuries. The iEQ9 is a robust, multifaceted leadership development tool that is both profoundly insightful for self-discovery and remarkably practical for building & mobilizing teams.

Of the 9 unique ways people relate and show up in the world, which type are you?

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Want to know more?

Let's connect!

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+1 (859) 489-0999

Debi Powell



The Momentum signature program was originally designed for a corporate setting, but... GOOD NEWS for your athletic department or sports organization! Momentum is available for you too!

If you're looking to bring out the best in your staff and support them both as people and as professionals -- all while growing together through a shared experience -- get in touch with Debi soon to find out more or lock in a date on her calendar! 



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